Ashworth Creative is pleased to present our latest completed project.
Just last week, we put the finishing touches on a website for construction management firm, Kirchhoff-Consigli.
Our team’s goal in creating this site was to put together something that would exude the core values held by Kirchhoff-Consigli: personal, community-based customer service done by a close-knit, passionate team of experienced employees. We wanted to showcase not only the projects done by Kirchhoff-Consigli but also who exactly the work is done by. As you can see from the completed design, there is an equal emphasis put on both the projects and the employees.
The portfolio pages — that showcase the many projects done at places like the Anderson Center for Autism, Marist College, and the Walker Art Museum at Bowdoin College — have been designed to show off the impressive work done by Kirchhoff-Consigli. These pages are easy for viewers to navigate and are full of useful information and large, colorful photos to peruse. There is also a section of the site dedicated to “current projects” where visitors to the site can keep an eye on the work that is being done right now.
Going hand in hand with the pages that highlight the physical projects are the pages that highlight the people behind them. Beneath the masthead “I am Kirchhoff-Consigli,” are a number of employee profiles in video format. In this way, you can get to know the highly valued workers and learn more about who they are and what they do.
Thanks to Kirchhoff-Consigli for trusting us with the creation of your site. We’re proud of the outcome.