Digital marketing blog and SEO firm 97th Floor teamed up to develop this extremely informative and valuable infographic guide to using social media for marketing. This 2011 version is an update to their previous 2010 version because, as CMO points out, “what worked this time last year might not work today, for this is a rapidly shifting landscape that must be mapped out regularly”. Rather than just present the spectrum of social media sites one can use (and there are a lot), CMO’s guide shows and explains which social media sites are best for which types of marketing tactics, such as customer communication, brand exposure, website traffic, and SEO. The result is brilliant. Of course, keep in mind what Mashable points out: “this chart gives you the tip of the iceburg when it comes to making the right choice for your own company’s or clients’ campaigns.” Still, this graphic is a helpful tool when considering or analyzing a social media campaign.
Click here or on the image for the full-size PDF!