Contact UsThe case: To update the 32-year-old image that has kept GTI at the forefront of its industry, which was being threatened by competitors. Ashworth was asked to create an ad campaign promoting the need for GTI's color appraisal viewing system (commonly known as light boxes). Our plan: We wanted to keep the same GTI look but update it with an eye-catching, simple and timeless feel. As a brand should be, the look needed to work consistently on all of the mediums used by the client, which was carried through various freshened and modernized marketing materials. We utilized familiar imagery and nature photographs as a positive sales tool. Through sharp copy coupled with the right graphics, we portrayed the importance of having the "right" color. The result: The soulful new logo, tagline and printer materials have set the pace for GTI's marketing efforts. GTI has strengthened their position as a leader in developing and manufacturing color appraisal viewing systems.