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Social Media Can’t Do Everything

Social media is powerful, no doubt. But, as all good things do, it has its limitations. Brands shouldn’t dive headfirst into a social media plan without considering the things that social media will not be able to do for them.

Creating a social media presence is not, in itself, the key to community engagement. Econsultancy points out 5 main things that brands are responsible for that social media can not do:

Make You Cool
As Econsultancy explains, “Long gone are the days when being on Facebook or Twitter meant you were ahead of the curve. Today… your social media presence is only as cool as you are.” It’s how you use it that makes you “cool.”

Create Great Products & Services
Social media may help your brand, but it can’t make up for poor quality products and services.

Quash Criticism
With a social media presence, you can respond to criticism more effectively, but criticism will not cease to exist.

Provide Free Marketing
As Econsultancy explains, “Building, growing and maintaining a social media presence always requires an investment in time, and for every business, time is money.”

Improve Your Customer Service
Social media has become a helpful tool for providing customer service, but the quality of your customer service is still as good as you make it.

And on that note, your social media campaign is only as good as you make it.

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