Contact UsThe case: To redesign a website and incorporate media campaigns that highlight each of the various services offered, while keeping in line with their existing identity. Our plan: Ashworth's plan was to develop a website that served first and foremost as a virtual portfolio. We wanted to incorporate bright, eye-catching imagery of completed projects as the front-runner of each page, and a simple modern layout. Various videos were shot of Kirchhoff-Consigli Construction Management employees, emphasizing their building projects as well as their mission, which would also serve as an enhancement to the website for users. The result: Keeping the current Kirchhoff-Consigli identity intact, Ashworth was able to create a site and media that drew clients in visually and had them sold before even visiting a project in person! The site proved to be extremely user-friendly and easily navigated. Kirchhoff-Consigli continues to maintain this site as grounds for linking to their other numerous services offered.